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You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols. STOP Living in Pain Today!

You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols.
STOP Living in Pain Today!

Disc Clinic BC          Tel:(604) 675-6966    Call Now For a CONSULTATION
You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols. STOP Living in Pain Today!

“My feet were very sore under the feet – on each calf. Now the pain is almost all gone and I think I can walk off the limited restrictions.Very glad I came. The price of this procedure has bigger benefits than the same price cruise.”
–  Jacob Paetkau,
Surrey, B.C.

“I had tingling (constant) in my left foot – Dr. Ting’s laser treatment helped me to sleep at night. The tingling relieved to at least 90%. Thanks so much!”

–  Marilyn DeBruijn,
Langley, B.C.

“Before I came to the Clinic I had tried physiotherapy, acupuncture,  chiropractic treatment, traction and ultrasound. Nothing gave me relief, except painkillers. Since having a course of treatment, my pain has been considerably less. I am moving better and far happier for having taken the treatment.”
–  Clive  Hardman,
Sechelt, B.C.


“My name is  Sandra Dowdoff. I live in Christina Lake BC. I’ve had spinal stenosis since birth. My life changed when I became aware of the condition at age 43. I am now 49, and have my set for life job, a school’s custodian. My life has become full of pain, headaches, stiffness to my lower back, arthritis, the loss of the use of my left leg, narcotics and then surgery. Only to find out years later my life is coming to an abrupt end due to paresis and the inability to continue working. My options were gone……..These procedures have given me a life back, with no pain, stiffness, headaches, narcotics and I am able to walk. I do value my life and thanks to Dr. Ting and his staff for the overall success of my treatments, I have my life back. Thank you Dr. Ting!
–  Sandra Dowdoff,
Christina Lake, B.C.

“Before coming to the Disc Clinic BC, I was experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort in my neck, back and shoulder. After enrolling for the treatments, I am painless with a new outlook to life. It was a worthwhile investment to be painless and enjoy activities again. ”

–  MJ,
Richmond, B.C.

“I had suffered lower back pain for 30 years. When I saw the ad in the Sun newspaper advertising for the treatment of degenerated discs, of which I had one, I decided to enroll in the treatments because I did not want to undergo surgery to correct my problem. I am happy to say that at the end of the 20 treatments I am finally pain free after all those years. I would highly recommend Disc Clinic BC, featuring Dr. Ting’s treatments, to anyone.”

–  Glenella Miller,
Vancouver, B.C.

“I live in Kaleden, BC, and am 84 years old. My lower back area got painful over a period of time. I saw an ad that Dr. Ting has placed in the Sun newspaper and decided to see if his treatment could help. It did. My pain level lowered to about a 2 ½ on a 10 scale. It had been up to a 7 ½ at times.”

–  Douglas Dewar,
Kaleden, B.C.

“I live in Blind Bay, BC, just west of Salmon Arm, BC. I read about Disc Clinic BC in the Vancouver Sun after several years with a bad disc in my neck. I experienced numbness in my arm, pain and a constant tingle in my hand and fingers, that would keep me from having a good night sleep. I came in for a consultation with the Dr. and he explained about the treatments in details. After several treatments my pain and numbness in my hand was gone and I could have a good night sleep. I am pleased with the results and the treatment that I have received. I would recommend this treatment to other people who suffered from disc pain.”

–  Stan Leschuk
Blind Bay, B.C.


“I started my appointments July 5th, 2010. At that time I was needing the assistance of a cane. I discovered that I had several degenerative discs along with severe spinal stenosis. My pain intensity was excruciating. I could not sleep at night as it was not only in my back, but had also gone into my legs and feet. I must mention that I have been suffering with back pain for over fifteen years. I have seen many doctors, have many x-rays and CAT scans, but absolutely no results were given to me. My neurosurgeon told me that the only option left for me was surgery. The quality of my life was going downhill steadily. When I saw the ad in The Province newspaper I was a little skeptical. But when I phoned to make an appointment I found everyone very professional. Dr. Ting is a very caring man and truly believe in the treatments for his patients. ……..thrilled to say that the pain in my legs and feet are nearly gone. I am also delighted with much less pain in my back, in fact I feel the best I have felt in years. I would highly recommend Vancouver Spine & Disc Centre to anyone who is suffering with severe neck, back or leg pain due to spinal disc problems.”

–  Sheiler Fiedler,
Delta, BC

“Just amazing after all these years in pain, I wake up this morning after just three treatments with no pain. Almost too good to be true. Love it!”

–  Steve Badari,
   Penticton, B.C.

“My name is  Sandra Dowdoff. I live in Christina Lake BC. I’ve had spinal stenosis since birth. My life changed when I became aware of the condition at age 43. I am now 49, and have my set for life job, a school’s custodian. My life has become full of pain, headaches, stiffness to my lower back, arthritis, the loss of the use of my left leg, narcotics and then surgery. Only to find out years later my life is coming to an abrupt end due to paresis and the inability to continue working. My options were gone……..These procedures have given me a life back, with no pain, stiffness, headaches, narcotics and I am able to walk. I do value my life and thanks to Dr. Ting and his staff for the overall success of my treatments, I have my life back. Thank you Dr. Ting!
–  Sandra Dowdoff,
Christina Lake, B.C.

“Before coming to the Disc Clinic BC, I was experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort in my neck, back and shoulder. After enrolling for the treatments, I am painless with a new outlook to life. It was a worthwhile investment to be painless and enjoy activities again. ”

–  MJ,
Richmond, B.C.

“I had suffered lower back pain for 30 years. When I saw the ad in the Sun newspaper advertising for the treatment of degenerated discs, of which I had one, I decided to enroll in the treatments because I did not want to undergo surgery to correct my problem. I am happy to say that at the end of the 20 treatments I am finally pain free after all those years. I would highly recommend Disc Clinic BC, featuring Dr. Ting’s treatments, to anyone.”

–  Glenella Miller,
Vancouver, B.C.

“I live in Kaleden, BC, and am 84 years old. My lower back area got painful over a period of time. I saw an ad that Dr. Ting has placed in the Sun newspaper and decided to see if his treatment could help. It did. My pain level lowered to about a 2 ½ on a 10 scale. It had been up to a 7 ½ at times.”

–  Douglas Dewar,
Kaleden, B.C.

“I live in Blind Bay, BC, just west of Salmon Arm, BC. I read about Disc Clinic BC in the Vancouver Sun after several years with a bad disc in my neck. I experienced numbness in my arm, pain and a constant tingle in my hand and fingers, that would keep me from having a good night sleep. I came in for a consultation with the Dr. and he explained about the treatments in details. After several treatments my pain and numbness in my hand was gone and I could have a good night sleep. I am pleased with the results and the treatment that I have received. I would recommend this treatment to other people who suffered from disc pain.”

–  Stan Leschuk
Blind Bay, B.C.


“I started my appointments July 5th, 2010. At that time I was needing the assistance of a cane. I discovered that I had several degenerative discs along with severe spinal stenosis. My pain intensity was excruciating. I could not sleep at night as it was not only in my back, but had also gone into my legs and feet. I must mention that I have been suffering with back pain for over fifteen years. I have seen many doctors, have many x-rays and CAT scans, but absolutely no results were given to me. My neurosurgeon told me that the only option left for me was surgery. The quality of my life was going downhill steadily. When I saw the ad in The Province newspaper I was a little skeptical. But when I phoned to make an appointment I found everyone very professional. Dr. Ting is a very caring man and truly believe in the treatments for his patients. ……..thrilled to say that the pain in my legs and feet are nearly gone. I am also delighted with much less pain in my back, in fact I feel the best I have felt in years. I would highly recommend Vancouver Spine & Disc Centre to anyone who is suffering with severe neck, back or leg pain due to spinal disc problems.”

–  Sheiler Fiedler,
Delta, BC

“Just amazing after all these years in pain, I wake up this morning after just three treatments with no pain. Almost too good to be true. Love it!”

–  Steve Badari,
   Penticton, B.C.

“I have had three treatments with Dr. Ting and I am beginning to see some results. My pain level has begun to reduce from a 9 (10 being highest) to about a 6. I am looking forward to achieving a pain level of 0 by the end of the treatment. Only time will tell and I am hoping for the best.”

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

–  Brad Depauw,
   Powell River, B.C.

“I was a heavy equipment operator for 40 years and had chronic back pain for the past 12 years. Tried chiropractors and seen specialists. I was told surgery was my only hope.  I had lower back pain daily at about a level of 7 or 8. After treatments at the Disc  Clinic BC, I am now pain free. I can walk up stairs with no pain and even go for a 12 hour drive pain free. “

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

–  Robert Ono,
   New Denver, B.C.


“It’s been quite a journey at this clinic. The first five treatments didn’t convince me about the procedure. I didn’t realize that the pain in my lower back and leg was getting less. After ten I had better function of my leg and less pain. I have just had my twentieth treatment. say today that I am not totally pain free, but with each day it gets better. My pain is minimal, and I am totally satisfied with my time here. I recommend this treatment and this clinic.”

– Merv Kryma,
  Revelstoke, B.C.

“During this process I have seen and felt lots of improvement. Before treatment, I couldn’t tie my own shoes without pain being a ten. I couldn’t walk two blocks without my cane. Now, I wake up in the morning without pain. I can bend lean over. I went from being a ten for pain, now down to a three. It doesn’t hurt to go for walks now. I have less pain between my shoulder blades because I am not compensating for the lower back. This treatment has helped greatly and cut down completely on medication.”
–  Shannon Krywa,
Revelstoke, B.C.

“I was in extreme pain that I could not hold my 8 month old son at 16lbs and I tried acupunture, talked to my doctor about surgery and decided against it, then going to the chiroprator once a week just to help me sleep and ease some pain…….thought I would give it a try, after 9 treatments my pain went from 9 to 3, so feeling way better. Much happier and not so angry. “

–  Justin Hollett
   Nanaimo, B.C.

“helpful and they made me feel a lot better with less pain with only six treatments.”

–  Jim Goddard,
Aldergrove, B.C.

“I have had a long standing herniated disc and spinal condition which has caused severe lower back pain accompanied with sciatic pain in the legs……After having taken several sessions with Dr. Ting I have experienced considerable relief from my pain. I find walking much more enjoyable and have not had sciatic pain since I started the treatment.”

–  Henry Esau,
Chilliwack, B.C.

“I was in Vancouver one day doing a small job and had stopped to have coffee and browse the newspaper. I came across this article regarding Dr. Ting and his treatments. All sounded very good to me but in the back of my mind I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing. I have had lower back pain for quite sometime and always in constant pain, leg aches and tingling sensations. After reading Dr Ting’s article I thought to myself, what have I got to lose. I picked up my cell phone and called to make an appointment. The ad said free evaluation and Dr Ting thought that I would be a good candidate for his treatments. We went ahead with a standard course of twenty treatments. I could not believe that my pain had lessened so much from the beginning. Each one my pain had decreased. Today I’m on my 15th treatment and I feel so much better.”

–  George Goertzen,
   Abbotsford, B.C.

“I live in Port Moody and I found The Disc Clinic BC through the newspaper ad. I was experiencing excruciating pain in my head, neck and shoulders. The pain was also affecting my back. I was living on pills everyday. I went to physiotherapists, chiropractors & massage therapists trying to relieve the pain but nothing was helping……..I definitely have less pain. I can, for the first time in ages, move my head to the right and left without pain on most days. It has been less painful and I still have the ability to function at  work. Thanks to Dr. Ting and his staff in giving me back the ability to function better at work and home.””

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

– Beverley Gracie,
   Port Moody, B.C.

“Before coming in, my pain was unbearable and there was nothing anybody else could do. I had surgery over three years ago and the pain subsided, but then worsened. All that was suggested was medication for pain control. Thanks… pain has decreased significantly and I am able to live more. When there were no other options, this treatment was able to help me. My pain went from a 10/10 to a more bearable 3 or 4.”

– Ruth Schmedding,
   Delta, B.C.

“My name is Erkki Saari. I’m a 68 year old retired major appliance service technician. In my 47 years in service I was exposed to many circumstances which could lead to personal injury in moving and servicing household appliances. In 1994, I had a work related service injury. The compensation board initiated an MRI and concluded I had herniated discs L5 and S1, in my lower back. It resulted in lower back pain, sciatica and drop foot in my right leg. The nerve damage causing drop foot effected range of motion to my right foot. This caused me to trip over my foot and prevents me from pivoting. Though an operation was a consideration the other option was to take physiotherapy and learn to live with some pain. As the years progressed the results of the injury became evident. After seeing the advertisement from the Disc Clinic BC. I decided to give it a try…..After 21 sessions, the lower back pain has diminished, the foot seems better.”

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

– Erkki Saari,
  Surrey, B.C.

“When I came to see Dr. Ting I was very skeptical as I have never been to a chiropractor before. I arrived here with lower back pain which I have had for many years. Also suffering circulation problems in lower legs and cramping in the feet. A lot of headaches and shoulder pain. I have been seeing Dr. Ting for 3 visits now and the swelling pain and burning feeling has almost disappeared. Looking forward to a pain free life when I am done. “
–  Lil Read,
Surrey, B.C.


“I have had lower back pain for a number of years. After an MRI I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. and was looking at either a disc replacement or fusion. I heard about this procedure and wanted to try it before surgery. I am glad I did ! I am coming close to the end of my treatments and feel much better, I have not taken any pain killers and have started to be more active again. I can play with my kids and not be in total pain afterwards.”

–  Andrea Battiston,
Vancouver, B.C.


“After years of low back pain, disrupted sleep, and problems with walking; I was told by the physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and other health professionals that I couldn’t be helped anymore though I was in constant pain. When I saw the ad in The Province newspaper about Disc Clinic BC in Vancouver, I made an appointment and saw Dr. Ting. After the first treatment most of my pain was gone, after five treatments I felt so much better, and hope it will stay this way.”

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

– Sigrid Rosacker,
   Nanaimo, B.C.

“When I came to the Disc Clinic BC, I had excruciating pain in my right lower back that went all the way down my right leg. I couldn’t even sit down for more than five minutes, and even that was very sore. After the first six treatments I started to feel a bit better. My pains weren’t as sharp as they used to be and I was able to sit for longer periods of time……honestly say that I feel 75% better than I did. I am able to go for my daily walks, I sleep much better and am definitely in much less pain. Thank you Dr. Ting and your staff!”

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

– Viriato Batista,
  Vancouver, B.C

“Early April this year, 2010, I started to experience a neck ache. Initially, I ignored it, hoping it would disappeared. But the pain persisted and became more frequent. Two weeks later, I visited my family doctor and he diagnosed my neck ache as degenerative disc disease and there was no cure. His only recommendation was to take pain killers to relieve the pain. A few weeks went by and the pain continued and became more intense. I returned to my family doctor and asked for a referral to a rheumatologist for a second opinion. Weeks went by and no word of an appointment. I phoned the rheumatologist directly and was told there was a six to twelve month waiting period. This was very disheartening news, as my whole lifestyle was turned around. I became withdrawn, inactive, spending much time sitting or lying down to help ease the pain which has advanced to horrendous headaches……..I phoned for an appointment and Dr. Ting assessed my situation on July 19, 2010. At the commencement of the treatment, I estimated my pain intensity at 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. At the end of the sixth treatment, my pain intensity was in the order 6. I could notice improvements with the completion of each session. The results were very encouraging. I am now approximately 40% into the program and I am optimistic as I approach the end of the program, my intensity will be zero or very close to it.”

Patient Testimonial | Disc Clinic BC

– Al Haverty,
  Richmond, B.C.

“I was in a situation where I was desperate to get better as the pain in lower back and down my left leg all the way and including my foot was unbearable at times. I was unable to sleep more than 2-3 hours a night, missed weeks of work and it was tough to play with my two and four year old boys…….It has only been four treatments but there has been major improvements in all areas, much improved sleep, less pain, less numbness to where I don’t even notice it throughout the day now. Decision to do treatments was a no brainer and should be back to everyday life more sooner than later, it is worth it.”

–  J. Christensen,
Pitt Meadows, BC


“Hello, my name is Michelle. I am 49 years old. I live in Delta, Vancouver, Canada. I have been suffering with debilitating and excruciating pain in my mid and low back for 7 years now. It was at the point that I was NEVER without pain. I stopped taking muscle relaxants and pain killers over 3 years ago as I found that they did not lesson the degree of discomfort. I injured my back when I was lifting something that was far beyond my abilities at home. I woke up the next morning and could not move without being in such sufferable pain. It took days before I could even reach help as I could not stand the excruciating pain. Over the following months, years I tried every type of treatment possible to give myself some relief. ( Physiotherapy, aqua therapy, and of course pain and muscle relaxants, yoga (which was futile), acupuncture, and thera band stretching). You name it, I tried it. It was futile. Pain was controlling my life instead of me being able to control the pain. When it gets to that point, there is NO quality to life. I found that I could not walk even around the block. I used a cane for years. I gave up simple bike riding, gardening ( which I used to love) and doing activities with my family. Going for rides in the vehicle were painful, every bump would take my breath away. It got so if we were travelling for any length of time, I would have take gravol to numb my body so that I was not tensed, when sitting for any period of time or slight bending over it would be as if there were knives in my back and I would have to take short painful steps hunched over hobbing until the sharp pains subsided. I had lived with pain day in and day out. It got to the point that if I did anything out of the ordinary such as bending to unload the dishwasher, or sweeping, or sitting for any length of time the pain increased. Life was confined to inside my house, inside the walls, looking at everything that I should be doing, but could not handle it. My family was slipping away from me as they were going on with their lives and I was stuck in limbo. I lost family and friends as I had retreated to a place that was so dark and so lonely I never reached out. Constantly enduring and internalizing pain can do that to you.

One day, my daughter saw this full page ad in the paper. My daughter called me and said, “Mom, this is YOU!!, this entire article talks about the pain and problems that you have been suffering with, she said YOU HAVE TO TRY IT MOM… What have you got to loose … you have tried everything else, please call and make an appointment”.
I called, I got a very nice women on the other end that asked me a series of questions and we made an appointment. I was very sceptical, not only as it was “ just another form of treatment”, but it was all the way down in downtown Vancouver, I live in Delta, this would be quite a commitment for me. I was driven down in for my first appointment by a neighbour. We had the consultation. I was sitting there in pain, the doctor saw the pain on my face. I listened as he described the possibility of outcome, that I was a great candidate, that it would take commitment and once committed YOU HAD TO FOLLOW THROUGH. A great part of me was thinking Oh yes…. Here we go again. Can this really help? I took the information home and read it all, my husband also. We thought what did I have to loose…. But the pain. My husband and I decided it was worth the try and we paid the fee. There was also the choice of payment plan. I called and made the appointments. I was committed to following through with this. The first treatment for me was very uncomfortable, I had numbness and tingling in my arms and hands. I felt the pressure on my spine and in my head I was thinking (OMG) what if something pops?. I went home and was told to drink 6-8 oz bottles of water every night. Not to do any twisting, sitting for long periods mainly bed rest. That morning I was sore. The second treatment was ok. I did not have the uncomfortable feeling I had the day before. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Went home and took it easy. I was tired. The third morning. I woke up and was laying there in bed. The realization came to me. OMG. I am laying here and there is not that constant chronic aching in my back. Tears came to my eyes along with disbelief. I got up and went out to tell my husband. This is the first time that I have NOT had pain in my back. I have dreamed of this day, and wished if only I was pain free for one day it would be worth it. I was in total disbelief. I kept checking…..No….no pain. OMG…. I can sit for a bit and not have pain. I can walk to the kitchen to get a coffee and no pain. I was ecstatic. My fourth treatment was also a good one. I am on my fifth treatment today. I have a little discomfort but nothing that I had experienced prior. I am hopeful that the first time in my life, that I have done something to control the pain, instead of the pain controlling me. I would recommend this treatment to any sufferers out there. I give this testimonial freely and without and bias. No one wishes and hopes to be out of work or to be living in pain. This treatment can work for you. I am confident that I will be able to move forward now and get on with my life instead of being in limbo…….I almost said no to this treatment because of its location in Vancouver. I am glad that I didn’t now. I feel there is hope for the first time in over 7 years. Thank you so much Dr. Peter Ting.”

–  Michelle Vetterl,
Delta, B.C.


“I am feeling better. I feel that I can perform daily activities more independently. Everyone at the Centre were very kind and friendly, eager to help me with my pain. I had a great experience at the Centre.
–  Avtar S. Johal,
Richmond, B.C.


“When I came to the office, I was in severe lower back pain. I had surgery done on my L5/ S1 10 years ago. I couldn’t work at all. I was forced to seek other medical help. No one could really help me. I took a lot of narcotic medicines but it only helped temporarily. Now……I sleep better and my pain is reduced from 8-9 to 5 in a scale of 10. Sometimes I do have set back but most of time, I feel good. I am also excited going back to work!”

–  Ben Lau,
Vancouver, B.C.


“The procedure was easy and painless. I feel stronger with my spine and lower back. My right foot cramping is almost gone and my right leg doesn’t drag with walking.”

–  Zahida Hosein-Rattan,
Surrey, B.C.


“I have had back pain and sciatica for two years. Been to physio and massage. After seeing Dr. Ting my pain has slowly gotten better. After my treatment, I am pain free.”

–  Alvina Zastre,
White Rock, B.C.


“When I first came here  I was in very severe pain and had tried numerous pain killers with only very mild results. When I saw the ad in the newspaper  I immediately thought it was worth checking out and I was accepted for treatment. Thanks to the pleasant attitude of the staffs I’ve continued to try the treatments and I’ve gained good results. I am sleeping better and walking better, and the pain is much less than when I started.”

–  Joan Magee,
Delta, B.C.


“I have gone from being in extreme pain and/or discomfort 80% of my life to only 10-15% of the time. Dr Ting is extremely proficient in his field.  I would highly recommend this procedure and Dr Ting to anyone in pain.”

–  Carolyn McKay,
Richmond, B.C.

“When I came to Dr. Ting there was a lot of numbness in my right leg (calf area outside on the right side). There wasn’t much pain in the back, mostly just discomfort. I have been seeing, on a regular basis, a chiropractor- Dec 11 to the end of July 2012. The treatment with Dr. Ting has caused the numbness in right leg to decrease by about 80%. Back discomfort and nerve pain in both back and right leg has gotten much better. I’m not rubbing my right leg anymore to get feeling back into it. Staffs have been friendly and accommodating. I’m sleeping better and I am starting to exercise and walking for longer distance and time. I’m from Tsawwassen, B.C.”

–  Margarete Berglund,
Tsawwassen, B.C.


“I have had back injuries and degenerated discs for the past 25 years. I have undergone surgery with injections, 7 procedures, and years of chiropractic, massage and drug therapy……I am enjoying the most pain free back & sciatica that I have had in 25 years!”

–  Debra Holmes,
Langley, B.C.


“I have had lower back problems on & off for 35 years; this last year being hell. The pain was 24 hours a day. I have been to Chiropractors, Massage therapies, and Physiotherapies, but nothing helped. I read about Dr. Ting, so I decided to give him a try. When I met Dr. Ting I was using a cane. He told me my back was a mess. I wasn’t sure if he would take me as a patient; but being my last option before surgery, Dr. Ting decided he was quite sure he could help me. After half of my treatments, I no longer need to use the cane. I was sleeping soundly more often at night. Walking quite well with little or no pain. Thank you Dr. Ting.”

–  Barry McEwen,
Surrey, B.C.


“Very happy with back & foot treatments. I would recommend to anyone. I could not walk up and down stairs before treatment. Now can run up and down stairs.”

–  Del Faulkner,
Surrey, B.C.

How do I get started?

Contact our office at 604-689-HEAL (4325) to schedule an initial consultation with the Doctor to determine your individual situation. Medical Evaluation and Diagnostic testing procedures should be performed prior to beginning any treatment in order to determine the most effective process. After carefully studying your case history and exam findings, the Doctor will sit down and explain his recommended plan of action for you. After answering any questions you may have about the recommended plan, you may begin your care.

Call now 604-689-HEAL for your Consultation!

View our Patient Testimonial contact us today with a time and date that are convenient for you. We’ll find out the “why” behind your problem and how to solve it – and then coach you to better health!