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You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols.
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You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols. STOP Living in Pain Today!

You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols.
STOP Living in Pain Today!

Disc Clinic BC          Tel:(604) 675-6966    Call Now For a CONSULTATION
You may be a candidate for LASR Protocols. STOP Living in Pain Today!

Disc Clinic BC


Have you been told by your doctor that you, “have to live with the pain and that, “there is not much you can do besides taking medications”? If your doctor is treating your SYMPTOMS, they are not working. And, unfortunately, most doctors are only treating symptoms, this means progression/ worsening of neuropathy. This means your quality of life worsens as well. 

  • 23 million Americans are diagnosed with neuropathy each year
  • 180,000+ amputations each year due to neuropathy
  • Current standard of care: medication; 90% of patients utilize medications to reduce symptoms; however, side effects are serious.
  • Astonishingly, roughly 8% of the U.S. Population suffers from peripheral neuropathy
  • The most common causes of neuropathy are diabetes and obesity, both of which are on the rise. What is even more concerning: all of the above are only getting worse.

Good news though: if your doctor starts treating CAUSES of neuropathy, the results are astonishing! That is what the doctor at Disc Clinic BC sought out to do it in creating our 4-Pronged approach. Metaphorically, we throw the whole kitchen sink at the CAUSES of your neuropathy. While we certainly know symptoms are what are ruining your life, we fix the cause, so the symptoms go away for good.


1 | Neuropathy High Power Laser Therapy

This safe, effective, and Health Canada approved therapy, which is 30x times more powerful than cold laser,  stimulates angiogenesis, the creation of new blood vessels. Why is this important for neuropathy? Our nerves are dependent upon proper blood flow to survive; this proper blood flow is what nourishes the nerves. When the nerve does not get the nourishment it needs, it starves, it breaks down, it dies. Neuropathy High Power Laser Therapy is supported by peer reviewed research to improve nerve health by directly improving the blood supply to the nerves and surrounding tissues.

2 | Nerve Re-Education with Electrotherapy

As the accumulation of damage to our nerves occurs, the nerves eventually forget how to work properly. For this reason, our office utilizes technology supported by Cancer Treatment Centers of America which helps rehabilitate the nerves so that they re-learn how to work properly. Amazingly, this treatment can be done, utilizing this technology, from the comfort of your home. With that said, one of the things that makes our neuropathy program unique is that 80% of the program is done from your home.

3 | Neuropathy Nutrition

The typical North American diet, which is high in sugars and starches, sabotages nitric oxide production. The high sugar diet is also highly inflammatory. The nutrition and supplementation we recommend help the body produce more nitric oxide naturally. This is important because elevating nitric oxide levels results in vasodilation and increased blood flow. This is what the body needs to do what it does best: heal itself.

Our nutritional protocol is easy, fun and simple. We simplify the diet/ supplementation and give you weekly grocery lists and recipes so that you know you are eating the best diet possible for neuropathy.

4 | In-Office Protocol

While over 80% of our neuropathy program is done from the comfort of your home, we also have an in office protocol which utilizes premium technology as well.

We utilize Neuropathy High Power Laser Therapy. We use this technology to stimulate angiogenesis, improve blood flow and speed nerve healing. In some causes of neuropathy, we use Computerized Disc Rehydration .  This treatment gently decompresses your spinal disc to relieve pressure on your nerves which could be causing your neuropathy.


Whatever neuropathy has taken from your life, you can get it back. Our four-pronged approach has helped many patients get their life back. We achieve great results because we listen to our patients, we do a proper exam, and we determine the right candidates for our program. This attention to detail is what results in a 95% success rate in patients we accept into care. With that said, we offer a consultation to anyone interested in finding out if they are a candidate for our program. Call our office today (604) 675-6966!


Contact our office at (604) 675-6966 to schedule an initial consultation with the Doctor to determine your individual situation. Medical Evaluation and Diagnostic testing procedures should be performed prior to beginning any treatment in order to determine the most effective process. After carefully studying your case history and exam findings, the Doctor will sit down and explain his recommended plan of action for you. After answering any questions you may have about the recommended plan, you may begin your care.

Call now (604) 675-6966 for your Consultation!

View our Patient Testimonial contact us today with a time and date that are convenient for you. We’ll find out the “why” behind your problem and how to solve it – and then coach you to better health!